
sexta-feira, 19 de julho de 2013

Powershell erro ao habiltar o winrm

Passei pelo seguinte erro no meu computador: Ao executar o comando: PS C:\windows\system32> Enable-PSRemoting WinRM Quick Configuration
Running command "Set-WSManQuickConfig" to enable remote management of this computer by using
the Windows Remote Management (WinRM) service.
This includes:
    1. Starting or restarting (if already started) the WinRM service
    2. Setting the WinRM service startup type to Automatic
    3. Creating a listener to accept requests on any IP address
    4. Enabling Windows Firewall inbound rule exceptions for WS-Management traffic (for http
only). Do you want to continue?
[Y] Yes  [A] Yes to All  [N] No  [L] No to All  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "Y"): y

WinRM is already set up to receive requests on this computer.
Set-WSManQuickConfig : <f:WSManFault xmlns:f="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/wsmanfault" Code="215085911
Machine="localhost"><f:Message><f:ProviderFault provider="Config provider"
path="%systemroot%\system32\WsmSvc.dll"><f:WSManFault xmlns:f="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wbem/wsman/1/wsmanfault
Code="2150859113" Machine="nb.contoso.com"><f:Message>WinRM firewall exception will n
work since one of the network connection types on this machine is set to Public. Change the network connection type
either Domain or Private and try again. </f:Message></f:WSManFault></f:ProviderFault></f:Message></f:WSManFault>
At line:69 char:17
+                 Set-WSManQuickConfig -force
+                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [Set-WSManQuickConfig], InvalidOperationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : WsManError,Microsoft.WSMan.Management.SetWSManQuickConfigCommand

este erro faz referencia ao firewalll e e com o codigo do WINRM temos os detalhes. PS C:\windows\system32> winrm quickconfig
WinRM service is already running on this machine.
                Message = WinRM firewall exception will not work since one of the network conne
ne is set to Public. Change the network connection type to either Domain or Private and try aga Error number:  -2144108183 0x80338169
WinRM firewall exception will not work since one of the network connection types on this machine the network connection type to either Domain or Private and try again. Eu tinha redes usadas como publica do hyper-v Ao desabilitar as redes privadas e executar novamente o winrm funcionou… PS C:\windows\system32> winrm quickconfig
WinRM service is already running on this machine.
WinRM is not set up to allow remote access to this machine for management.
The following changes must be made: Create a WinRM listener on HTTP://* to accept WS-Man requests to any IP on this machine.
Enable the WinRM firewall exception. Make these changes [y/n]? y WinRM has been updated for remote management. Created a WinRM listener on HTTP://* to accept WS-Man requests to any IP on this machine.
WinRM firewall exception enabled.

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